VAT-Exempt Purchases for Those in Need: Understanding the Basics

At The Travel Buggy Company, our commitment is to ensure that every child can enjoy the comfort and convenience of our Excel Elise Travel Buggy and accessories. We understand that families often face unique challenges, which is why we are pleased to offer VAT-exempt purchases for those who qualify. In this blog post, we’ll explore the criteria for eligibility, what HMRC defines as ‘chronically sick or disabled,’ and how you can benefit from VAT-free goods.

Do You Qualify for VAT-Free Goods?

You may be wondering if you qualify for VAT-free goods. The answer is, you might! The primary criteria for eligibility are:

  1. Chronic Sickness or Disability: You must be chronically sick or disabled. For VAT purposes, this means you have a physical or mental impairment that has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on your ability to carry out everyday activities. It can also include conditions that the medical profession treats as chronic sickness, meaning they are long-term health conditions.
  2. Personal or Domestic Use: The goods must be for your personal or domestic use. This means they are intended for your own comfort and well-being, rather than for commercial purposes.

Understanding ‘Chronically Sick or Disabled’

HMRC, the UK’s tax authority, defines ‘chronically sick or disabled’ as individuals with long-term health conditions that substantially affect their ability to carry out everyday activities. It’s important to note that, for VAT purposes, this term does not include individuals with temporary disabilities, such as a broken limb. Also, being elderly does not automatically qualify as ‘chronically sick or disabled’ unless you have a long-term health condition.

Consulting a Medical Adviser

If you’re uncertain about whether your condition qualifies as ‘chronically sick or disabled,’ consulting your doctor or another medical adviser can provide clarity. While you do not need HMRC’s permission to declare yourself as disabled or chronically sick, seeking professional guidance can help you make an informed decision.

How to Claim VAT Exemption

When you’re ready to make your purchase, the process is simple. At the very end of the checkout process on our website, you will find a VAT exemption form to fill out. By completing this form, you can claim your VAT exemption, and the VAT amount will be removed from your purchase.

A Note on Refunds

If you have already made a purchase with VAT, and you later discover that you qualify for VAT exemption, don’t worry. We understand that circumstances can change. You can request a refund for the VAT amount paid, provided you meet the eligibility criteria. To request a refund and confirm your eligibility, please reach out to our customer support team. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to help you excel in every journey.

At The Travel Buggy Company, we respect your privacy and individual circumstances. Our team cannot determine your eligibility for VAT exemption, as it’s a personal and often complex matter. We encourage those who believe they may qualify for VAT-free goods to explore this opportunity and consult with a medical professional for guidance.

We’re here to support you on your journey, ensuring that you and your child have access to the best solutions for your unique needs. If you have any questions or would like to explore VAT-exempt purchases, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities, and we’re here to help you excel in every journey.